We are getting close to October 1st and that means that many of you have either just started the New Testament or will be starting it within the next week or so. And for those of you who have not started reading through the Bible, this is your opportunity to read the New Testament yet this year. You can still use “Faithful Promises of God”, just flip to the page where Matthew 1 starts…that would be page 236.
What stories do you have to tell? What has God shown you as you have made a concerted effort to read through the Bible this year? What great treasures has He given you and what exciting changes have you made in your life? Did you keep a journal? If not, start now!
As I read the minor prophets, I am reminded often how God uses all our life circumstances to help us grow to be more like Christ. How God uses ordinary people, not those who are highly educated, to touch the hearts of hurting people and draw them to Jesus. He uses people like you and me…you don’t have to have everything perfect as you witness, just be real. And pray…it’s the Holy Spirit who works in that other person’s life to draw them to Himself.
Stay humble through it all and remember that we are His instruments; the music may not sound pretty to us but to the spiritually tuned, it is ever so beautiful. I can’t stress enough that reading through the Bible, from cover to cover, will change your life because you will meet the One who will change it. Our Heavenly Father loves each of us dearly and He waits for us to surrender our lives to Him.
What does that surrender look like? You will see it throughout God’s Word as God shows us sinners who turned from their past and became new creatures in Christ. The tears that come when we see our filthy lives compared to Christ. The hunger of not getting enough of God’s Word and making new friendships that are deeper because you share the same Father. We experience a joy even in times of sorrow because He walks with us through those hard times. That dance you have with the Savior is the best dance of all, He gently leads you on the ballroom floor of life and at times it feels like He picks you up and carries you. Oh, the love of the Savior…He is calling you today, longing to take you into His loving arms. Are you ready to surrender?