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We are getting close to October 1st and that means that many of you have either just started the New Testament or will be starting it within the next week or so. And for those of you who have not started reading through the Bible, this is your opportunity to read the New Testament yet this year. You can still use “Faithful Promises of God”, just flip to the page where Matthew 1 starts…that would be page 236.

What stories do you have to tell? What has God shown you as you have made a concerted effort to read through the Bible this year? What great treasures has He given you and what exciting changes have you made in your life? Did you keep a journal? If not, start now!

As I read the minor prophets, I am reminded often how God uses all our life circumstances to help us grow to be more like Christ. How God uses ordinary people, not those who are highly educated, to touch the hearts of hurting people and draw them to Jesus. He uses people like you and me…you don’t have to have everything perfect as you witness, just be real. And pray…it’s the Holy Spirit who works in that other person’s life to draw them to Himself.

Stay humble through it all and remember that we are His instruments; the music may not sound pretty to us but to the spiritually tuned, it is ever so beautiful. I can’t stress enough that reading through the Bible, from cover to cover, will change your life because you will meet the One who will change it. Our Heavenly Father loves each of us dearly and He waits for us to surrender our lives to Him.

What does that surrender look like? You will see it throughout God’s Word as God shows us sinners who turned from their past and became new creatures in Christ. The tears that come when we see our filthy lives compared to Christ. The hunger of not getting enough of God’s Word and making new friendships that are deeper because you share the same Father. We experience a joy even in times of sorrow because He walks with us through those hard times. That dance you have with the Savior is the best dance of all, He gently leads you on the ballroom floor of life and at times it feels like He picks you up and carries you. Oh, the love of the Savior…He is calling you today, longing to take you into His loving arms. Are you ready to surrender?


It is no secret that I identify with the book of Job and Job’s life along with many other parts of Scripture. I saw the similarities years ago when I first became aware that I was sensitive to many foods and chemicals. I could understand how Job suffered and I also had so called friends who told me I must have sin in my life otherwise, God would heal me.

I was a new Christian at that point and was just starting to read the Bible daily. Each time I read something and realized that I was not pleasing to God, I’d stop and ask Him to forgive me. The big things, the little things and all in between things, oh my, I certainly was the biggest of sinners there was around! And today, I still ask Him to forgive me for my sins as I never seem to get it. Do any of us?

As Paul was hard on himself, “What a wretched man I am!” (Rom 7:24a), the more I read the Bible, I realize that I too, am wretched. As God reveals our offensive ways, He is giving us grace to not only ask forgiveness but to change our ways to be more pleasing to Him. To change our ways…

I have been so sick, not being able to eat what most can, having been exposed to carbon monoxide not once, but twice in my life. Recently finding out that I was exposed to Monsanto’s experimental chemicals when I was in Basic Training at Fort McClellan, Alabama in the 60’s. Being taken advantage of by people that I thought were friends and others that I thought loved me and the abuse is beyond anything that should ever be mentioned…having suffered PTSD because of the abuse. My body in so much pain from Chikungunya, still suffering to this day. I think the pain that hurts the most is when you have loved ones that don’t stand by you but also point an accusing finger.

Yes, I can identify with Job and until recently wondered if I would ever be blessed in the latter part of my life (see Job 42:12). Now, at 70 years young, after having suffered two years ago (it took a year to find out what had happened) and I thought I would never work with children again, finding out that the health issues I was discovering were not recent but undiagnosed health issues that I’ve had all my life. With all this having happened in my life, I can now smile and praise God for allowing me to go through such sorrow and pain, and I can say I do feel deeper than many so as to minister to many. I understand the pain of one who is not accepted by those around.

The joy that I experience when a grandchild knocks on my door, just stopping by for a few minutes to see how I am doing. Having my children call on a regular basis, checking in on me. And need I say a whole lot about those beautiful great-grands? What a blessing God has given me in my old age! I mustn’t forget the number of children that I’ve worked with as an educational therapist over the years who still keep in touch and bring me such delight.

Although most of my blessings are not material, I am still thankful for what He’s given me!

Oh, I almost forgot to add that He’s also given me the longings of my youth, when at 15 years old, I wanted to write a book, publish it and have people buy it. Not only one book but two and maybe a third in the future. This along with His giving me the strength to start working with children once again, and with that, I feel such exhilaration when I ponder what He has for me as I teach the children. Certainly, in my latter years, God is blessing me beyond anything I would have ever thought possible.

In our times of troubles and pain, please remember that God is shaping you…we have a choice in how we react. We can give the evil one credit (as many seem to do these days), or we can see that God is using it for His glory. We see this not only with Job but also with Joseph (starting in Gen 37) and many other places throughout Scripture. God uses our painful times to strengthen us for His service!

For years I whined and complained and gave satan recognition for attacking me but I truly started to grow in Christ when I realized that my own flesh had taken me to some of the places that were so painful. I want to remind you (and myself) that when we are suffering, God wants us to learn a valuable lesson. Each of our lessons can be different but nothing goes against His Word. What is He teaching you this day?


Oh, certainly not! Would any of us admit that we are attracted by or pulled towards greed? How many of us hold too tightly to money or stuff? Is your house cluttered with things you just can’t let go of? Do you become anxious when the stock market goes down, you know those big drops that happen in just a few hours? Does your dream of winning the lottery or a giant sweepstakes cause you to go out and purchase tickets beyond your budget?

Much of what I am about to share was a part of my pastor’s sermon yesterday morning. Larry Burkett wrote a whole book on “What the Bible Says About Money” and yes, it is still on my shelf. I will be using this source as well as my notes from yesterday.

Living a life free from greed is mentioned often as we read the pages of Scripture. Why would God write about this topic so much? Because each of us is inclined to be anxious concerning our finances or the things we own. If we are not budgeting, we don’t know how we will pay that next big bill, especially those unexpected ones. Can you let go of all those things you own? I mean sell them and never look back? We may conquer our greed on one level but we must be vigilant daily to not get back into the self-indulgence mode.

Our joy in life comes from only One, God and God alone!

When we become anxious, we must remember: 1. Our worry cannot change the situation. 2. There are more important things in life than what we eat or wear. 3. Worry is the attitude of pagans. We, as Christ-followers, should not be concerned about material thing as it shows a lack of trust in God. Are we pursuing spiritual matters?

In seeking spiritual matters, we must check our heart. Are we self-absorbed, thinking that we need things that we certainly can get along without? We’ve already established that God will provide our needs such as food and clothing and safe shelter. It may not be what we desire but it is enough. Greed is never satisfied! Luke 12:15 puts it this way, “Then He (Jesus) said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”

Aw, but you say that people do see what we have and determine how important we are. True to some extent, but I remember a time when someone said to me, “they are rich”. My question was “how do you know? By the things they have? They could be in debt up to their eyeballs!” We are delusional if we think we can ever satisfy greed.

When we read all of Luke 12, we see a theme arise, that of being diligent to pursue God, to learn to trust in Him only and to run from greed. God owns everything and the Holy Spirit will guide you. When you reject that guidance, you are rejecting God Himself. Where is your true wealth? In heaven, safe from theft and decay. Be rich toward the things of God: giving generously to God’s work through your local church and missions? Are you generous with your family concerning the time you spend with them and meeting their needs? Are you giving to your friends in a way that they need? Perhaps just to listen to them and lend a helping hand when needed. Time seems to be the one thing that we need to budget more closely so as to meet those needs of spending time with those we care about.

Do you ask God to help you make every decision in your life? I once had someone tell me that they “talked” to God about the big decisions but didn’t bother Him with the little ones. I liken this to what I tell people about budgeting, “save those pennies and the dollars will come.” If God isn’t in your small decisions, do you honestly think you will go to Him with the big ones? The most important decision being for you to turn your life (totally) over to the One who will be there at all times.

Are you truly content with what God has given you? That one has been a hard one for me but I have had to work diligently daily seeking His face rather than looking to one more desire to fill my life. Only a prideful person would say they don’t struggle with this. It’s been a struggle since Adam and Eve, so stay humble by always looking to God.

Finally, manage your money wisely, with eternity in mind. I am not sure where I heard this and not sure exactly how it is said but it helps get the point across: Tell me who you love and I will tell you who you are. If we budget, always keeping God in mind of whether we need, want or desire an item, we will see the needs of others more often. We will give to the needs of others with a joyful heart because we realize that it is not our own but all we have belongs to God. Where is your heart bent on this day?


©2018 by A Fae Original.

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