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"Full Moon Arising" is one step closer to becoming reality. Edit, edit, edit...not once, not twice perhaps not even three time but onward we go in the editing process. With all the experiences of doing missionary work, you grasp a bit of your past to know that God has used each situation in life to get you where you are today.

With that said, I present to you the last three paragraphs of "Full Moon Arising"...

I have gone my own way at times, but then I have to repent and ask God to forgive me. He always takes me back…unlike people who are so judgmental and will always throw our past sins in our faces. God has allowed me to be who I am and use me there. He has allowed me to explore but much of my life, I didn’t allow myself to be me. I wanted to please those around me so much that I forgot about me. Those around me were never pleased with me. NEVER! I tried and tried but never met their expectations. Jesus is the only One who loves me just the way I am.

Then, finally I broke away…I became me through Christ, I became happy not only with myself but with those around me. Can I hold on to this new me? Or will I fall back into trying to please those around me once more? It is only as I focus my whole being, my thoughts, my behavior, my joy of life on Christ that I am truly set free from those who sucked my life right out of me. It is only as I read my Bible daily and focus on His will for my life that I am truly set free.

This is where I must remain strong…strong in Christ. I am different from the rest; I am free to write, free to paint, free to continue working with the children and free to talk to my Lord. Now it is your turn. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? Are you ready to serve Him? He’s ready to use your talents, the gifts he’s prepared for you and given to you to bring glory to Him. It is only when you let go of yourself and stop trying to please those around you that you will be truly ready to serve Him. And serve Him you must! Are you ready?

For now, I must run towards the goal that He calls me to.


Luke 24:36-53

“…they still could not believe it…” Charles Stanley points out that “Jesus had to prove to His unbelieving disciples that He was not a ghost or a figment of their imagination before they would accept the truth of His bodily resurrection.” (p 1522, Life Lessons)

So many today do not believe in God, let alone in Jesus, nor the resurrection and that Jesus lives today.

What has to happen in order to start believing that Jesus came to set us free? According to Romans 10:17, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ.” And further, Revelation 1:3 encourages us, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the Words of the prophecy and heed…”.

We have not allowed the Word of God in the schools for how many years now? Do you know that the Bible used to be taught in public schools? For some, it was the only textbook a school had. And before public schools, when parents sat around the warmth of the fire with their children, they read the Bible. That was their only “formal” learning and yet, it taught them how to treat others, how to behave themselves, it set forth morals to live by. The Holy Scriptures taught what evil behavior is and to avoid it and tells us to get rid of anger, wrath, slander and abusive speech.

We’ve come a long way, haven’t we? Our children have not heard the Word of God and don’t know truth. They don’t hold to a set of standards or values but “believe” that everyone should do what is right in their own eyes. How is that working out? Do we have more respect for one another? Do we have more compassion and empathy for one another? Seems that we are more focused on ourselves and less focused on our fellow man.

We are not so much smarter today than people of the past. Yes, there is much more information now but many have stopped memorizing facts and have to pull it up on their phones. What will happen when their phones are taken away or only used to fill them with misinformation/propaganda or out and out lies? The sheep will follow their leader to their deaths!

Eternity without Christ is not going to be pleasant. Repentance of such unbelief is essential! Surrendering your life to God and making a choice to change your behavior is part of that repentance.

Look beyond what we can see and see what God sees—only by reading the Word daily.


Today, as I was reading Luke 15:11-32, I realized that I have been both the younger son, wanting to have it all and be free, do my own thing, in my own way. I’ve fallen on my face. I have sinned in so many ways but most importantly, I sinned against my Father in heaven, Who loves me dearly. When I was finally at the end of my rope and truly ready to surrender my whole life to Him, He welcomed me with open arms. He never brought up my failures and sin, He loved me right where I was. He continues to love me right where I am.

Sadly, I can also see that I’ve been the other brother, looking on as people welcomed my brother home. I looked on with envy…”no one has ever done that for me” and I totally felt sorry for myself. No one has ever been happy to see me or recognized what I have done. I felt used and certainly not appreciated.

I already had my Father’s forgiveness and eternal life…isn’t that everything? But no, I wanted to be recognized. I did not realize that my brother was lost, condemned to hell and he came home to Father a broken man.

Yes, I’ve been in both places. I wanted the freedom of life but was bound by the sin of this world. It looks like it offered lots of fun but it almost killed me. The pleasures of this world are nothing compared to the joy of living a life for the Lord.

Then, I have been the ever faithful one, doing the Father’s will, seemingly unnoticed and unappreciated. In this state, I too, had to repent of the anger I felt. Repent of the bitterness deep within me. I had to repent of the unforgiveness I felt for my brother and yes, even my Father.

In reality, we all carry a bit of both brothers within and we certainly need the Father’s love and forgiveness on a daily basis. Each of us needs Him! Are you ready to surrender your life to Him? He’s waiting, He has compassion for you, and He’s ready to meet you and embrace you with the love that only He can offer.


©2018 by A Fae Original.

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